The writing minor is designed to give you a thorough overview and understanding of the field of English studies with broad coverage of literary periods and theories and a solid foundation in writing and argument. The minor is also designed with flexibility in mind, so you can focus your major around your individual interests and explore cross-disciplinary thinking. The English Major works well as a double-major with many other programs on campus. Individual course selection will be done in consultation with your faculty adviser.

Students must complete a minimum of five courses (20 units) with a Pacific minor grade point average of 2.0 in order to earn a minor in writing. English Majors can count 2 courses from their Major requirements towards the Writing Minor.

Minor Requirements:

  • Select one of the following:
    • ENGL 025
    • ENGL 082 How English Works
  • Elective Options (3 total; no more than 1 from outside the English department):
    • ENGL 106 Content Engineering
    • ENGL 107 Creative Writing: Nonfiction
    • ENGL 109 Professional Communications
    • ENGL 111 Creative Writing: Fiction
    • ENGL 113 Creative Writing: Poetry
    • ENGL 115 Screenwriting
    • COMM 132 Writing for Media
    • COMM 140 Writing for Public Relations
    • EDUC 100 Introduction to Language
    • HIST 80 Digital Narratives
    • SPAN 101 Composición avanzada
    • THEA 112 Playwriting
  • ENGL 190 Writing Capstone

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Department of English